November 16, 2006

Traditional churches losing members?

I just read an article on that said the United Methodist Church is still losing members in spite of the fact that over the last few years they have spent millions of dollars in marketing and advertising.

I, and others on the internet, have noticed a trend that people are leaving traditionally styled churches en mass. I don’t believe there is enough marketing money available to stop this trend.
People are hungry for something authentic and real and they are having a very difficult time finding it.

In my opinion, when the “church” begins to really love people because they have value in the sight of God we will see a shift in people leaving churches.

People often feel like they are viewed as a resource (Time, Money, Numbers) to be used by ministries and leaders to build a “ministry kingdom” or church program.

People today are very adept at spotting users and manipulators who act out of a sense of self preservation rather than passionate and unconditional love that is a by product of a God honoring life. Many pastors often put programs and traditions ahead of hearts and lives.

People are moved by true agape.

Bottom line: we must discover selfless living empowered by divine grace in order to truly love people into God’s kingdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Totally agree with your thoughts here.

May God bless you indeed,