November 03, 2006

Ted Haggard Scandal

The national media is gleefully reporting accusations of immorality against Ted Haggard, a highly respected national minister.
Please keep him and his family and their church lifted up in prayer regardless of the truth or falsehood of these accusations.

As Christians we must not shoot our wounded. We must pray for truth to be revealed and for repentance and deliverance to be acheived.
“He who is without sin cast the first stone.”

As Christians we are to seek God and pray that his glory to be manifested in this very challenging set of circumstances.
We are going to see more of this as time draws to a close. We must be sure to seek God ourselves and make sure that we keep our own personal walk with God healthy and vibrant regardless of what we see around us.

Stay Blessable and do not allow accusing words to rest in our lips. Satan is the accuser of the brethren...please don’t become his mouthpiece.
Danny B. Daniels II
Better Life Ministries

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