June 24, 2011

The Power of Now

This moment is all that exists.

Do you know that Yesterday is gone? This morning is gone for that matter. The future awaits us but is not here yet. Tomorrow truly is always a day away. No matter what has already happened in your past or what may happen in the future are as important as this moment. This present moment is where we live. It is where we trust, it is where we worry, it is where we experience fear or expect good things to happen, and most importantly, it is where we make all of our choices. Choices are always made in the present moment. Good or bad they happen here in the now. We cannot unmake our past choices we can only make new choices and we do it in this present moment.

I want to encourage you to choose to be alive in the present moment and experience it for what it is. So much of our lives are wasted regretting things of the past or dreading things of the future. Neither should control and have power over this “right now” moment. This moment will soon pass and along with it the desired and undesired circumstances we currently find ourselves in. There is a power that comes to us when we choose to be aware of and live in the moment rather than yesterday or tomorrow. You are more alive right now than you have ever been so embrace the moment and look for the blessing hidden in it.

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