July 30, 2012

A Letter from Pastor Danny to Better Life Church

Happy Monday! TGIM right? I just want to say how blessed I am to serve God with you all.

1. We had a great time at the BLife birthday bash at the pool on Friday. We had over 70 people come and celebrate with us. Thank you for coming and making it a complete blast. Can you believe that Better Life is turning 1 on August 7, 2012. This past year has gone by so fast and it hardly seems like we have been at this for a year already.

2. The Servolution is in effect. It is an honor to serve God with you and I am glad to see what God is doing in our church.  Remember to look for opportunities to show your love by serving someone today. A small act of kindness can make a big difference in someones day.

3. Angela and I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Corey, Anita, Bart, Tammy, Devra, Bryce, Brittany and Danny J. for serving our church family in all the ways you do. These folks have stepped up and given selflessly to make Blife happen week after week.

4. Continue to think about who God intends to be your Timothy, Barnabas, and Paul. Reach out and connect with them intentionally.

Agree with us in prayer that God will make us able to reach out to all those he intends for us to serve in our communities. Ask for divine appointments and grace to love people without hesitation, condition, or limits.

We love you and thank God for you!

God is up to something good! Be on the look out.

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