July 25, 2011

What we are believing for...

When you pray for Better Life here are some things we are believing God for. The Bible tells us that the effectual fervent prayer of righteous people gets things accomplished. It also tells us that we have not because we ask not. So we are praying and asking and we would like for you to join us in believing God for the following.

  • Continued clear direction and divine appointments.
  • Start up expenses. First months rent, utilities, supplies, etc.
  • Annointed and called ministers for children, youth, worship leaders, intercessors.
  • Sound equipment, microphones, cables, speakers, etc.
  • Audio Visual, Monitors, Computer equipment, Camera etc.
  • Nursery equipment and supplies, diapers, baby beds, play pens.
  • Kitchen supplies, paper plates, cups, forks, knives, spoons etc.
  • Volunteers for groundskeeping, mowing, cleaning the church, handyman etc.
Father, we thank you that all of our needs are met and we give you honor and glory in advance for each of these answers to prayer. In Jesus name, Amen. That settles it. God is good! All the time!

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