August 08, 2011

3 things I observed this weekend at Better Life.

I am blown away with how things turned out this weekend. God is truly up to something good. I wanted to share with you 3 things that I observed this weekend at our church launch.

1. God is faithful. I am so blessed to see God's commitment to His children. Each and every step of the Better Life launch has been marked with Divine favor. God's timing and His provision are perfect. We had right at 75 people attend our first service and we had a great time in church. One lady sent me a message that said, "It's hard to find a church (for me) that I leave feeling good. You did that for me so thank you so much." We all felt that way. God was honored and Jesus was proclaimed, and His family was encouraged.

2. God is intentional. He does things on purpose. He brings different people together and blends them together to make them better like a good salad with croutons. :) He does things on purpose to bless us. He puts people in our lives intentionally and he intentionally demonstrates His love for us.

3. People are hungry for God and church that is real. People are created by God with an inherant desire for friendship and family and so often we are disappointed with how little of it we find at church. The place that God should be easily found often ends up leaving us wanting due to hard hearted religious folks.  One man told me that he felt very welcomed at Better Life and that he could feel the presence of God there. Another said that he loved our church because we were "real and not fake." What an awesome thing to hear.

Authenticity is a big deal. People need it and that is why we will not be playing church at Better Life. We are too busy being the church. That simply means that we are determined and committed to loving God in a way that causes us to intentionally love each other. People are too important to just go through religious motions. I am convinced that when we encounter genuine love we are drawn to it. We are created with a need to love and be loved. As Christians we are called by God to Love people and with His help we are doing it at Better Life. For that I am grateful.

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